Policy Statement 7.1 -International Representation

Position Summary

The Australian Dental Association should continue to participate in international dental events and organisations to be abreast of and influence international issues and trends including actions at an international level to promote effective lobbying on sustainable packaging, materials, and dental equipment.

1. Background

1.1. The Australian Dental Association (ADA is an active member of FDI World Dental Federation (FDI) and is entitled to send to the FDI World Dental Parliament three delegates and two alternative delegates.

1.2. Membership of FDI benefits members by:

•  ensuring alignment of ADA and international policy,

•  reviewing and engaging international leading speakers for CPD in Australia,

•  positioning the ADA as a provider of international conferences and professional development for the profession worldwide,

•  interacting with international dental leaders to be abreast of issues such as workforce, political, and IPC that may impact ADA members.

1.3. The ADA established the Perth Group in 2009, consisting of following invited FDI members:

•  American Dental Association (AmDA),

•  Australian Dental Association (ADA)

•  British Dental Association (BDA)

•  Canadian Dental Association (CDA)

•  Japan Dental Association (JDA)

•  Korean Dental Association (KDA) and

•  New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA)

All Perth Group members have continued to actively partake in this informal group as it provides an excellent forum for the participating nations to learn in detail from each other. Suggestions to increase membership with European nations has not at this stage been adopted.

1.4. The ADA for many years has held formal and informal meetings at FDI with the Four Nations, consisting of the following invited FDI members:

•  Australian Dental Association (ADA)

•  Japan Dental Association (JDA)

•  Korean Dental Association (KDA) and

•  New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA)

The KDA is no longer a member but still attends informal meetings. The ADA resigned from Asia Pacific Dental Federation (APDF) in 2006 due to concerns regarding the governance of the organisation and the cost of providing representation at APD Congresses, APDF Council and Delegate meetings and other events.

1.5. The ADA, along with other key nations, resigned from the Commonwealth Dental Association in 2016.

1.6. The ADA used to meet in person biennially with the New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA).

1.7. Currently the Federal President and CEO are extended invitations to attend the annual NZDA Conference and the NZDA President and CEO are invited to Australian Dental Congresses. Also, the NZDA President is elected an Honorary Member of the ADA for two years and the ADA President an Honorary Member of the NZDA for usually two years.

1.8. Australian delegates attend the annual meeting of the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 106 (Dentistry) (ISO/TC106) as experts in the development of new dental standards and the revision of existing dental standards. Given that international standards will be replicated or adopted in Australia by organisations such as TGA and other bodies, this involvement is essential to ensure appropriate regulation of devices and materials in Australia.

1.9. FDI has recently had a strong focus and issued statements on sustainability.

2. Position

2.1. The ADA should continue participate in international dental events and organisations to be abreast of and influence international issues and trends. This includes actions at an international level to promote effective lobbying on sustainable packaging, materials, and dental equipment.


2.2. The ADA should be a member of FDI.

2.3. The usual delegation to the FDI World Dental Parliament should be:

•  The Federal President as a delegate and delegation leader

•  The Federal Vice-President as a delegate

•  The Chair of Constitution and Policy Committee as a delegate

•  The Chief Executive Officer as an alternate delegate and the National Liaison Officer

2.4. Members who, after nomination by ADA, have been successfully elected to positions within the FDI, and who are entitled to payment of economy class travel by FDI, may be reimbursed by ADA the balance occasioned by overseas travel in business class.

2.5. The ADA should provide secretariat support for the Perth Group.

2.6. The ADA should be a member of the Asia Pacific Alliance.


2.7. The Federal Executive should meet via electronic communication biennially with the NZDA.

2.8. The President and CEO should attend the NZDA annual conference.


2.9. ADA members of any Australian delegation attending ISO/TC106 should be selectively supported.


2.10. On a case-by-case basis the ADA may attend other international events, forums and so on where the issues and outcomes may influence dentistry in Australia.

Approved by Federal Council

Document Version:
March 2023
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Policy Statement 7.1

Adopted by ADA Federal Council, April 6/7, 2017.
Amended by ADA Federal Council, August 19, 2021.
Amended by ADA Federal Council, March 24, 2023.