Policy Statement 5.17 - Dental Records

Position Summary

Dentists must maintain clear, accurate and contemporaneous dental records and adhere to privacy laws for dental record management.

1. Background

1.1. Dental records are essential for continuity of care and for forensic investigations

1.1. The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) in partnership with the National Boards has created a Code of Conduct for health practitioners which includes a section on health records.

1.2. The Board has developed a fact sheet and self-reflective tool to help practitioners comply with their obligations with respect to health records under the Code of Conduct.

1.3. There are Commonwealth and State and Territory laws that cover health records and patient privacy.


1.5 BOARD is the Dental Board of Australia.

1.6 DENTAL PRACTITIONER is a person registered by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency via the Board to provide dental care.

1.7 A DENTIST is an appropriately qualified dental practitioner, registered by the Board to practise all areas of dentistry.

2. Position

2.1. Dentists must maintain clear, accurate and contemporaneous dental records (see Appendix).

2.2. Dentists should be aware of all legislation and regulation that applies to dental records and abide by these regulations.

2.3. Only the Board should determine what constitutes appropriate record keeping.

2.4. This Policy and its Guidelines should apply equally to any dental practitioner. 

Approved by Federal Council

Document Version:
April 2021
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Policy Statement 5.17

Adopted by ADA Federal Council, November 15/16, 2012.
Amended by ADA Federal Council, April 14/15, 2016.
Amended by ADA Federal Council, August 23/24, 2018.
Amended by ADA Federal Council, April 23, 2021.