Policy Statement 4.4- Creation of Continuing Professional Development Products

Position Summary

The Australian Dental Association (ADA) is a producer and provider of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for its members and aims to provide quality and commercially transparent CPD. The ADA expects certain conditions and undertakings to be observed when CPD products and services are created.

1. Background

1.1. The Australian Dental Association (ADA) is directly responsible for the creation of some CPD products and services.

1.2. The ADA commissions some continuing education products from various external CPD Producers.

1.3. Members have an expectation that the materials produced with oversight by the ADA are created under specific conditions to ensure a certain standard of quality and commercial transparency.

1.4. Interviewers, Moderators and Facilitators are engaged in presentation roles without necessarily providing any novel content.


1.5. CPD PRODUCERS are any entities that are commissioned to produce CPD products for the ADA.

1.6. PRESENTERS are engaged to provide content both to the ADA directly and for a CPD Producer.

1.7. CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) is the means by which members of the profession maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge, expertise and competence, and develop the personal and professional qualities required throughout their professional lives.

2. Position

2.1. CPD Producers should exercise reasonable care to ensure that Presenters for video and audio programs adhere to this policy. Interviewers, moderators and facilitators should also observe the tenets of this policy.

2.2. Presenters must disclose any commercial relationship with any entity or person that imports, sells, manufactures or services any products, equipment or services discussed or demonstrated.

2.3. Presenters should refer to alternative products, equipment or services where available.

2.4. Presenters should express opinions based on best evidence-based studies as much as is practical.

2.5. Where a presenter is relying solely on their personal experience this should be made clear in their presentation.

2.6. If a CPD Producer identifies that a Presenter has made statements contrary to this and any other relevant Policy Statements, they should either edit the material from the program or seek a binding decision from the ADA.

2.7. On engagement by the ADA, CPD Producers and Presenters must declare any real or perceived conflicts of interest as well as declare any commercial affiliations with dental, pharmaceutical, allied or related companies or entities. Such relationships may not necessarily affect engagement or CPD development. The decision to proceed remains at the discretion of ADA.

Approved by The ADA Federal Council

Document Version:
August 2020
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Policy Statement 4.4

Adopted by ADA Federal Council, August 21, 2020.