Defining the future: ADA’s new strategic plan sets key priorities

Smiling young female dental practitioner in a dental treatment room
Australian Dental Association
25 July 2023
5 min read
ADA updates

The ADA has released its new strategic plan (the plan) which was developed in close collaboration with members, regulators, key stakeholders and ADA leadership, the plan sets out the key activities Australia’s peak dentistry body will undertake over the next three years. 

The result of a substantial piece of work carried out over a lengthy consultative process, the plan is composed of three main pillars of activity: 
1. The pursuit of influence among governments and other decision makers so that they clearly understand and take into account the views of the dental profession.  

2. A focus on members to ensure services and support are appropriate and add value to their professional lives. 

3. To ensure the organisation is governed as effectively as possible and that it efficiently uses members’ resources. 

The plan also includes key performance indicators which will provide an indication of how successfully its goals are being met and focuses strongly on digital first so that members across Australia are able to access the services provided by the ADA on an equitable basis. 

Annual plans endorsed by Federal Council underpin the plan which allows the setting of annual budgets, work plans and targets. 

Overall, the plan is intended to stand alongside business-as-usual activities so that while the everyday business of the ADA is conducted, there is also a degree of focus on the strategic activities needed to move the Association forward.