
Looking to volunteer?

If you’re looking for an opportunity to volunteer, you should first visit the Volunteer Projects List, as well as the volunteer positions on the Jobs Board, which detail a range of projects seeking assistance.

To apply, contact the organisation with which you’d like to work directly.

Before committing to a particular project, it’s always advisable to seek specific information on the project including:

  • The sponsoring organisation, its mission and mandate
  • The dental needs of the target population and how the project intends make a difference
  • How well resourced the project is
  • Living conditions and travel options to the project location
  • Insurance and legal considerations.

One way to ensure you are asking the right questions is to consult Choosing a Volunteer Organisation, which contains a range of questions that should be asked before committing to a project.

You might also find it helpful to speak with volunteers who have worked on your target project previously to obtain a realistic on-the-ground idea of what to expect. If you ring the organisation with which you’d like to work, you will either speak to a current volunteer or someone who can put you in touch with one.

Information for project coordinators

If you are running a project, please fill in the Dental Project Volunteer Form and your information will be posted to the Volunteer Projects List.